catering matrimoni

Ristorante giardino catering

ristorante giardino catering

Send your request for information to Giardino Catering. Send us an e-mail or call us +39 0721 776803!

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5 steps for your perfect event

We customize your menu

We select the best location

Giardino Catering is constantly seeking prestigious locations for your special day. Over the years we have personally selected a portfolio of exclusive venues all over Le Marche, but we can offer our services in any location both in ITaly and abroad.

Discover the locations

We add value to the environment

We manage your event

All'ottima cucina, all'atmosfera e agli addobbi è possibile aggiungere effetti scenografici e animazione:

Enjoy the moment

Ci occupiamo noi dei tuoi eventi!

 Contact us by filling the form!

  • Catering Matrimoni
    Wedding catering
  • Catering aziendale
    Business catering
  • Eventi speciali
    Special events


find the perfect location for you wedding or special event

Giardino Catering is constantly seeking prestigious locations for your special day. Over the years we have personally selected a portfolio of exclusive venues all over Le Marche, but we can offer our services in any location both in Italy and abroad.
Discover all locations or pick your favorite from the gallery below!